Battle online at Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. How to play the game 'Beyblade Battles Game'? If you love manga or anime, you’re sure to have heard of Beyblade; this popular Japanese series features on groups of kids who battle each other using spinning tops called Beyblades, focusing on Tyson Granger and his gang, the ’Bladebreakers’.
How to play the game 'Beyblade Battles Game'?
If you love manga or anime, you’re sure to have heard of Beyblade; this popular Japanese series features on groups of kids who battle each other using spinning tops called Beyblades, focusing on Tyson Granger and his gang, the ’Bladebreakers’. In this girl game, you’ll get to do battle with your very own Beyblade! Read more

Select ’Train’ if you want a bit of practise before you begin fighting in this online manga game, or click ’Battle’ if you’re ready to get stuck into the action. Select the color and size of Beyblade you want to use or click ’Custom’ to create your own, then get ready to fight! Do Tyson proud in this Beyblade game, and keep browing our girls’ games for more fun with your favorite manga and anime characters.

Beyblade Games Beyblade Battles
Beyblade Battles is one of my favorites! We clearly have awesome taste! Come and play more of my fave free games!